Thursday, August 15, 2013

My First Ever Plane Spotting

Aside from being a make-up junkie that I am, I'm also a frustrated pilot. Ever since elementary school I'm fascinated by airplanes - on how it works and it's mechanics. I've applied at a flying school way back in college but I wasn't able to push through since I know it's hella expensive.

And so, for my love of airplanes, I joined Philippine Plane Spotters Group - a crowd of young men and women (mostly men) who have the same love for airplanes as I have. They spot planes from time to time and take photos of different types of aircrafts ranging from commercial airlines to Air Force planes, agricultural bi-planes and the like.

Most of the members are guys so at first I was a bit hesitant to join on one of their sessions since I haven't met them; though some of them messaged me through Facebook to arrange the planned spotting session. Finally I decided to join last Saturday in what would become one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

We met at Multinational Avenue in Paranaque, behind Runway 6 of the 1st Terminal in Ninoy Aquino International Airport. One by one the spotters came - 3 pilots (2 of them were flight instructors), an Air Traffic Controller / Flight Dispatcher, and 3 more guys who were just airplane enthusiasts.

Myself, Nikki, Jerome, Darl, Jojo joined with the three students from PATTS.

With Clarence (in blue shirt). We're situated on the roof of a house - just eye level of Runway 24, which is active at that time. They call this place "Narnia" since you have the most spectacular visibility of commercial planes landing and taking off.

Here are some of the photos I took:

Philippine Airlines - the flag carrier! :)

Aren't these gorgeous? I was awestruck the whole time. One minute I was happily snapping away and then I just caught myself staring at one Cathay Pacific that just landed - full of wonder from what I just saw. For years it has been a dream of mine to be a pilot and when I know that I won't ever get it, I just focused on other things. But to come here and take these lovely photos reminded me that I haven't completely let go of that dream. And even though I won't become a pilot in this lifetime, I could still surround myself with people who have the same passions that I have.

The guys even invited me again on their spotting session next Wednesday (Philippine holiday, Ninoy Aquino Day). I'll join them for sure so I could meet more people and this time I won't be the only girl in the group. We'll be joined by Ludee, who's also an Aviatrix and a PATTS student. 

Really looking forward to our next plane spotting! :)

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